Meet Our Team

Daniel Keaton
  • Senior Pastor
Josh Kautz
  • Family Ministries Pastor
Cindi McIntosh
  • Children's Director

Do you know Jesus?

He’s more than a good teacher or a historical figure—He is the Savior you need. Every one of us has sinned and fallen short of God’s perfect standard, but God sent Jesus—the Christ, the promised Messiah—to rescue and save you, because he loves you. Through His life, death on the cross, and resurrection, Jesus paid the price for your sins and made a way for you to be forgiven and restored to God (John 3:16, Romans 5:8). He alone has the power to save and give eternal life to those who trust in Him (Acts 4:12).

If you don’t know Jesus or want to know Him more, we would love to talk with you.

Click here to schedule a time to talk with a pastor.